Monday, September 20, 2010

It's the End of the World.

Before I begin, I am proud to say I have one blog view from the country of South Korea. Though that may not seem like a big deal, you're right, it's not... but 29 views from Canada is offensive. As a near-resident of Canada, I would expect a more polite following. But to the people in the USA, thank you very much, for I have received nearly 2,000 views over the week from this country... My audience began as mostly Asian, but following my dog comment, I have lost most of them to other blogs, mainly the ones with good poodle recipes, and what not, but hey, whatever makes them happy.

And although the one view from The Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and South Korea, may mean nothing, it is still pretty cool that our internet can be so involved, and knowing that one guy from The Netherlands is sitting down in front of his computer, eating a hash brownie, and reading what shit I have to say... is a compliment in its own. I suppose this is me looking at things positively for a change, because there is so much going on, and sometimes I don't take the time to just relax and look at things in a certain way, so today, that is what I am going to do.

This brings me to my first piece of this... Regarding this whole mosque building near the grounds of 9/11. I like MTV's bullshit campaign to say that Islam did not do this to our country... hate did, which is true. However, MTV, you are campaigning to a bunch of fucking idiots who take serious pleasure in characters such as Snooki and J-Wowwwwwww, not to mention, having TV shows where six more fucking idiots are flipping cards over to see which one of them has to do a ridiculous game, and on top of all that, the complete douche of a host, who is Asian, needless to say. And yes, I do realize that by displaying this amount of knowledge for this stupidity, I am indeed accepting my role as a fucking idiot, but certainly not to the extent of many other people... people who think TWILIGHT is a good film, but I am not going to get started on that right now, I will end up breaking my laptop.

So to the supporters of the mosque, and to the Muslim people, I respect your culture yada yada yada, and whatever else you need me to say in order for me to be kind, but build your damn mosque elsewhere. I realize Islam is NOT to blame for the September 11th terrorist attacks, but although unrelated, it is still inappropriate... Next, we will be building gas stations next to concentration camps. I think you can get my connection there. Unrelated... inappropriate. Take notice, Muslims. I am not bashing your religion or any non-extremist Islam supporters, but I am supporting the cause of America, and I'd rather give the little consideration I have to the friends and families of 9/11 victims instead.

"What if?" is a usual question brought up in the minds of splendid fourteen year old girls who are having really horrible relationship situations, and the question is brought up when regarding other unimportant things, like, "What if I would've gone to bed earlier last night?" The answer to that question is, I would've made it to my first class this morning. But since I didn't, and it is my first missed class, I will simply lay back and say, "I don't give a fuck. I am going to die in 2012 anyway." My sincerest apologies to Dr. Elston and the rest of my sociology class, I shall grace you with my unfortunate presence on Wednesday morning. Back on topic... there are many people who hate thinking "What if," because it no longer matters to them. But what happens when we ask the question when it actually regards something important, something that could've changed the world... and not just how one day in a week went. For example:
What if Hitler would've been hugged more as a child?

Besides the fact that there would be more lawyers and bankers, there would be an overall larger Jewish population, not to mention, my gas station statement wouldn't have made sense. What if Al Gore would've been elected President? What if Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift would've gotten married?!?! Okay, scratch that last piece of bull shit, and I will continue. Maybe we should ask this question a lot more... but instead of after the fact, maybe we should do it before, because if we stop and take the time to actually think about it, maybe it will answer our question before we ever need to ask it.

So to Hitler's mother, you fucking bitch, hug your son, make him cookies, maybe lock him in the basement for a couple years and see how the fuck he likes it... To Al Gore, besides the fact that you are a raging homosexual, I am sorry you lost the election and couldn't save the world from global warming. Because of it, we are all going to die now, so thank you Florida. And to one citizen of Florida, thank you for being a fucking idiot and publicly announcing the burning of the Quran. I think I speak for everyone, besides your large parish of 50 people, when I say, go kill yourself. But before you do it, I have something else you can burn... Twilight. And to the many people who read Twilight, I am sure the books are absolutely brilliant and worthy of praise, but the movies are fucked shit and you should be ashamed of your kind. Well, that's all for my bitching for the day, I have to go... Jersey Shore is on.


  1. I disagree with so many things in this but you still make me laugh. You're a genius, Erik.

  2. Alright, anonymous fuck wad. It's taking, literally, all I have invested in my to not call you a slew of words my mom would most definitely never want to hear come out of my mouth, or, in this case, my fingertips. But seriously, shut the fuck up you self righteous asshole. Erik has CLEARLY stated that he KNOWS he's an ass, and his unapologetic blog that is still crafted with incredible wit and humor is simply a conveyance of what he has to say about the world. Therefore everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and if you rebuttal to this with "Yeah, well my opinion is he's ignorant." Don't even bother. Shut the fuck up. In this case, no one gives a flying fucking shit what your opinion is. So either go read a fucking bible which is most likely suited for your taste, or shut the fuck up and learn to deal with people who aren't prissy like you.

  3. this blog may be harsh, but it's still reality and done in a humorous yet respectful my anonymous friend over here is obviously a prude, sad pussy. get out of here if you can't handle it. or even better, invite your church group to the blog. the more viewers the better!

  4. i think its funny...cause she still took the time to read it haha. and comment on she spent some time thinking about it even though she said no one cares what your opinion kudos for us to keep up on pointless blogs, nice work erik

  5. Woah! Why are people assuming that was a girl??

  6. well because Earth is a woman... our country is a woman...

    haha we just love women sooo much

  7. lol Erik if that isn't a complete load of horse shit I don't know what is. good try at a cover up though!

  8. Maybe it's because I wouldn't expect a man to hide himself from his comments.

    A woman, I would respect, in hiding... like Anne Frank. BAHHH

  9. Dear Anonymous,
    I am sorry to inform you that as you sit in front of your computer screen sad... lonely... isolated from the real world... and most likely unloved in any way, shape or form the entertainment you are searching for on engines such as google or yahoo it seems at though your life is cloaked behind hidden walls along the realms of childhood molested mimes and creepers who tell themselves it is ok to look themselves in the mirror and say "I am NOT what everyone thinks I am"... sorrowfully you are you miserable, self hating, waste of a loose cunt. You sit back in the safety of your chair thinking that the walls that surround you can protect you and your pathetic life but until you get out and see what is truly going on around you shut the fuck up you ignorant piece of cloth women use to clean not only clean the blood stains from the toilet seat when they are on their period but also use to wipe the tears from their eyes once they live life and realize they have nothing to live for. Like you.

    yet another self admitting douche bag

  10. you know what anonymous person, if you really had something to say why just say ignorant? are you some stupid kid with nothing to do? and if you are do you even know what ignorant means.. mystery person start your own blog because we all want to know how you feel about society and why your ideas are better than erik's

  11. Okay! I'm officially a follower! Only thing I have to say to you Anonymous is: You're the fucking ignorant one. What did you expect to read about on a blog titled "Euthanize Me"? Obviously we aren't going to be having heart felt discussions and quoting the Bible here. We're going to be discussing real life issues and other random occurrences in our lives (like... oh yeah, your close minded stupidity), in the scope of our perspective, which if happens to come out as blunt, cynical, and overwhelmingly harsh, so be it, it's life. Go type in "offended easily blog" and start reading up bud!

  12. after i read the anonymous comment i wanted to bitch the shit out of the person too. but i think everyone else has stolen every single word of profanity right out of my mouth er um... fingertips? so misses... or mister... anonymous. i suggest you stay away from this page, and when curiosity gets the best of you and you end up creeping back on here to find out just how many people did have to bash on you, and read what erik writes for his next blog, and the one after that, and after that. i wouldn't comment again... just for the sake of your mental sanity. i'm not sayin... i'm just sayin.

  13. Hahahahahahahahahahaha Anne Frank...
    I can just picture you saying it. Thank God for this blog... God of any religion, that is :) I don't wanna be ignorant!!

  14. The "fucking ignorant" comment was pretty hateful, yes? I think most of you would agree with that. So let's not fight hate with hate. Perhaps next time we all should ignore such comments and go on with our lives, not waste so much energy hating on an anonymous person.
    Spread the love peeps :)
    Erik's "great friend" and "student of Islamic teachings"
