Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pruitt vs. The Board of Education

I would consider the court case of Brown vs. the Board of Education to be substantial and important to our country. That was in 1954, and like I babbled about in my civil war discussion, race relations have significantly improved. Since allowing the colored kids to drink from the water fountains, we have indulged in rap music, interracial sexual relationships, a fuck ton of drugs, and with all that, a bit of racism. Still, even after all that, racism. What a shame. I'm serious when I call it shameful for it's sad that we still don't get it, and I am included in that myself. Joking about other races is all fun and games, unless a minority is listening. I swear, if Laffy Taffy's could only be sold to whites, they'd have the funniest asian jokes on the back of them. But, luckily, everyone can buy a Laffy Taffy, even the poor kids! It's literally the universal candy. I bet if you walked up to anyone, fat skinny poor rich asian black white horses, they've all had a Laffy Taffy, and they all fucking enjoyed it. Now that I think about it, toothless people probably don't eat them, but it's safe to assume that everyone has teeth at some point, like that vagina with teeth in that cheap horror film. And although Laffy Taffys wrappers are everywhere, jokes intact, there is still racism in our world.

Racism doesn't just happen to black people. Ask the Jews! I'm not sure if any Jewish people sued the SS of Germany following World War 2, but I think they would have legitimate grounds to do so. Sixty some years later, one student of color suing a school district over alleged racism, that's crazy. Isaiah Shoels, a victim of the Columbine High School massacre, was a black student who was constantly belittled by the eventual shooters. He went to school officials to complain, yet they failed to do much about it. He was shot in the library and killed. After that, I bet the officials felt pretty horrible for not paying attention to the allegations. It's something they've had to deal with in time, even though nobody deserves that guilt, except maybe Hitler or the Jersey Shore cast. Miss Pruitt, whose first name I just can't ever spell so I'm gonna skip it, is suing the school that built me for more money than they have. I mean, come on, the school charges $100 a year to park in a concrete hell, and you think they can dish up $75,000 quick on the side. You're crazy. I know you moved here in tenth grade, so you don't have the same respect I do for the people who work in the district. I can read because of those people. I can make decisions because of those people. I can walk into any building in the district and be welcomed by people who know me and care about my interests. I can write because of that district, and now I am going to use that power to put you down, and it's not because you're black, it's because you're foolish.

You complain about not being able to wake up and go to school, about lack of sleep, about anxiety, about shit every single high schooler feels at some point in their life, whether it's the night before the ACT or just another day in the confusing, complicated high school lifestyle. A high school is basically a collection of different people learning to be who they are, their first steps into society. Ignorance, whether we like it or not, is going to be present in any public school in this country, because of youth. Youth guarantees ignorance in any situation, not because they choose to be ignorant but because they do not know. There are things we all hope to learn some day, but in a small town like Red Wing, it's hard to imagine the possibilities. Of course, in a small town with nothing to its culture but a giant boot, people are going to be misunderstood, and misunderstand things. It's not that fucking complicated to understand. Don't be ignorant about ignorance, it's everywhere. Nobody walked into that school dressed as a gangster in hopes of breaking down black culture, and offending it. They did it for fun, because that is what students imagine high school to be. Of course it's fun to rebel against the rules and the norms, that's what high school is about- learning from experience what you can and can't do. I think it was good for everybody, even if it stung a little bit... Even the best bee stings don't hurt for two years, so now I'm really confused Miss Pruitt...

I'm not gonna get into this too much, especially because I am so ignorant on the subject. But I must say, if you want to sue the school I grew up in, fuck you. It's not just a building with a couple of people defending it. You're gonna have to put up with everybody who agrees with me, which I would hope to be a lot, especially because so many white kids went to school with me! Come on, white kids! Take away the color of every student who graduated from Red Wing High School and what do you get? You get graduates of Red Wing High School... no color, and if that's not enough for you to respect it, and not sue it, then you can get the fuck out, because there are no black kids at Red Wing High School, they are black, purple, and white, red wing high, we're ready to fight... yeah, I know. So, even though I puke when I hear the saying "Once a Winger, Always a Winger," I must say, I puke a little more when you speak.


  1. slavery ended almost 150 years ago, you think they'd let it go but nooooo everyone is still emotional about it, we are sorry okay!

  2. If I wanted to be offensive, trust me, I could ask my friend Bry to help me out for ideas. We've thought of plenty of ideas that were offensive after the fact and guess what... none of them happened. Sucks to suck, miss. We're white kids living in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere, white kids that go to church some Sundays and listen to rap music at the local rich kid's house on Saturday nights while drinking a few too many beers or stealing parent's expensive wine.
    Go for it. Dress in oakleys and cargo shorts. We don't give a fuck. But just remember, half the time kids here DO dress that way every day. Sorry you didn't copyright a damned clothing style. Sorry you came to a school with a tradition. Sorry you misunderstood everything we did that day. But seriously, grow up.
    Sucks to suck.
    Once a wi(n)ger, always a wi(n)ger....

  3. couldn't have put it any better. "once a winger, always a winger..." oh how we thought that would never catch up to us

  4. What do Tsunami survivors wear? Basically, just dump a bucket of water on them and kill their family...

    Here's the original article if anyone is interested:
